D&B D-U-N-S Number: 86-065-4327


P.K. Vaduvammal with intent to diversify its business and partner with the farmers for making agriculture a profitable venture has entered into Agro Exports. P.K. Vaduvammal had started promoting their Agro Business with their brand name “Pure Agro” with a prime area of focus being export of agricultural commodities and marketing Agro Products. With over 79 years of experience in the field of international trading, the company has extensive knowledge, technical know-how and experience in trading with Europe, Asian, UK, USA and South America.

P.K.Vaduvammal is a GLOBAL Company, with world-renowned trade links across 5 continents, global supplier network and strong hold on exports of Details hier: uni potsdam jura hausarbeit various Food Products across the globe. With our promise of inspiring trust to our customers, we are changing the life of Farmers in India and making their farming business sustainable

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